Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Steak 'n' Shake Plot in the works ....

This post will not have anything to do with the tales of a recent Steak 'n' Shake excursion. Though I promise that another post is coming.

Instead, I want to use this opportunity to highlight what is probably the most epic conversation I've ever seen on the Facebook status platform (which is saying a lot; one week, I spent countless hours reading all the way from page one through page 189 on Failbook).

Most epic conversation ever, AND it involves Steak 'n' Shake.

An apology, because they're all individual images -- I couldn't figure out how to merge them into one once I got my screencaps. Also, I realize that they're too small to read without opening them individually. I apologize. I don't know how to fix it. If you do, please let me know. :)

Anyway, the epic awesomeness of this conversation is twofold. First off, apparently we're now going to possibly/probably have a pseudo-bachelorette party the night before my wedding. In Warsaw. At Steak 'n' Shake. I don't think there is any way to top that, quite honestly.

And secondly, if you actually read it all (I hope you did!), you'll notice that I mention having spoken with Brad Stevens. Yes, THE Brad Stevens. It was fantastical. And also slightly mortifying.

On the day of this particular Facebook conversation, we had a tornado warning for our area. So my student worker and I had to let everyone in the building know that we were under warning (for what few didn't know), and that they were encouraged to go to the basement (because college students sitting in a 90-percent-glass-walls building need to be told that in the event of a tornado, any above-ground floors are unsafe ... no, seriously, they apparently do need to be told).

So I took the second floor, and the first table I approached in the music quad contained none other than Brad Stevens.

Yes, that Brad Stevens, THE Brad Stevens, of Butler Basketball and Fear-the-Glasses Friday fame.

He was sitting at a table with three students, and I got to talk to them thanks to a tornado warning!

"Just to let you guys know, there's a tornado warning covering our area right now. It goes until 7:45, so you're encouraged to head to the basement until then."

I said this all with a pleasant smile that I only realized after the fact was probably creepy (" *GRIN* Hi there! Tornado on the way! Potential for much damage! Maybe you should go to the basement! *GRIN* 'Cause me grinning like this and pressuring you into the basement sounds totally normal!").

Though frankly, that's not what I'm counting as mortifying.

What I'm counting as mortifying is that I forgot to turn my phone to silence when I got in on this particular evening. That wouldn't have been a big huge deal, except that the university weather alert system now sends you an email, a text, AND a phone call to warn of inclement weather.

When I departed to share the warning news with everyone, I had only received the first two of these three.

And so it happened that as I finished grinning like a crazy person, telling Brad Stevens and Crew that the basement would be a smarter location for them, my phone rang.

And my ringtone is still the chorus from the Charlie Sheen "Winning" song.

So just as I turned to step away and tell the next table of kids that, that blared out of my phone. While I was still right next to their table.

And now Brad Stevens thinks that I-I-I-I-I bang seven gram rocks, 'cause that's how I roll.

*sigh* Totally NOT winning.

On the other hand, it was probably marginally better than if I had had, say, "Too Big Yo" as my ringtone instead.

And yes. I just spent a good chunk of a Steak 'n' Shake Quest blog post talking about my brush with celebrity. However, it started with a conversation about Steak 'n' Shake, the night before my wedding, in Warsaw. Which would not only be winning, but would be EPIC winning.

1 comment:

  1. This evening (Sunday 5/1) has been full of winning as well. At least for me. :-P

    Sincerely, a Minnesotan who should probably write it as #winning as well
