Now, of course, Jen and I didn't drive down to Evansville to hit up a lone Steak 'n Shake. Evansville contains a second Steak 'n Shake, on Lloyd Expressway.

But we couldn't go straight form lunch at one Steak 'n Shake to dinner at another. So Jen did some advance research and suggested we play minigolf to kill time between the two. She had found a place called "Adventureland."

And this is where we began to have problems.
Because as we approached the entrance, we saw a sign declaring that Adventureland could not accept debit or credit cards. Which was a slight problem, as that was how we were paying for most things on Saturday.
Jen whipped out her handy-dandy Smartphone-that-shall-not-be-named to locate another minigolf option. Fortunately, Evansville has a few, and within moments we were on our way to ...

... Midget Links, which ALSO did not take card.
Seriously, something is wrong with Evansville, that no one takes a damn card. At Midget Links, the employee explained that if they were to start taking cards, they would have to nearly double the price to afford the technology.
He said this, as I read the signs on the window, advertising that they had WiFi.
Seriously. If you can afford WiFi, I would think you
should be able to afford a credit card reader.
So Jen and I were off again. To our last hope for the night: Walther's.

And, great success, they take cards! AND charged the same price as Midget Links! Take
that, Midget Links! And Adventureland, who charged a dollar more than both other minigolf entities!
And so, Jen and I finally got some minigolf in.

Walther's didn't only have minigolf, though. There were also ... arcade games! With tickets! And prizes, prizes, PRIZES!
So we got some tokens to get some tickets, to get some prizes.
We made some attempts at SkeeBall ...

... and then a game called Jumpin' Jackpot.

But the highlight came when we discovered the DDR machine.
And preemptively worked off our dinner.
Although you wouldn't be able to tell it from the photos.

We actually did a video, but it was too long to upload, and besides, you don't really want to watch us jump around awkwardly while some guy says, "You're doing great!" and a crowd says "Boo!" (not simultaneously) (when Jen is the primary dancer and when I'm the primary dancer, respectively). So you will have to settle for screenshots of part of the video.

Once we were done with DDR, we hit the prize counter to maximize the benefits of the tickets we had earned (though, sadly, none of them came from DDR).
And from the prize counter, we then headed to Steak 'n Shake to re-energize.

Where we showed off our fabulous, fabulous prizes, prizes, PRIZES!
Jen walked away with ... a new car!
No, not really.

Jen was rewarded with a fan, dolphin stickers, pink vampire teeth, and a little green army man, presumably an escapee from the set of "Toy Story."
And me?

My winnings also included a fan, as well as bee stickers, green vampire teeth, a smiley face eraser, and a total loss of self-esteem.
... Okay, not really. I'm clearly pretty proud of myself.
We noted that, once again, we had come upon a Steak 'n Shake lacking a crane game. Strange things must be afoot in the Evansville, that all the crane games were taken (come to think of it, I don't remember seeing one in the Walther's arcade, either ... strange indeed, Evansville).

Additionally, we noticed that the tables and booths all seemed to be new.
Pictured: New tables and booths.
Also pictured: Goofy girl trying to be subtle
in acquiring a photo.
Turns out, the new furniture is because last winter (right around the time I started my quest, in fact),
an SUV drove through this Steak 'n Shake. Not the Steak 'n Shake drive-thru -- through the walls and windows and into the dining room.
To be fair, it didn't drive all the way through. Just, you know, far enough in that the entirety of the vehicle was inside the restaurant.
A waiter gave us some of the "deets," including the fact that that was partly why all the furniture is a different style than most Steak 'n Shakes' furniture.
After enjoying our surroundings a bit, Jen and I finally got down to business: food.
Specifically, a 3D Grilled Cheese for Jen, and a Guacamole Steakburger for me.
I vant to suck your blood!But first, I vant to eat your delicious guacamole.We didn't stay at this Steak 'n Shake long, as we did still have a few hours' drive to get us back to Indianapolis, and (a surprise, I can assure you, to us) a time-change to consider.

Thanks for the fun times, Evansville! P.S. Seriously, invest in some credit card readers! We may want to come visit again.