Dear Steak 'n' Shake,
At first, I was excited to see coupons in my mail from you when I got home from work.
But then something caught my eye.
At first, I thought, "It can't be! It simply cannot be!"
But I was wrong. And, disappointed with you, I nearly canceled the quest.
Love (but fading fast),
Draft 2:
Dear Steak 'n' Shake,
I love you, I really do.
But sometimes, you make me cry with the stuff you put out.
Draft 3
Dear Steak 'n' Shake,
I know you have a variety of customers who come through your doors to enjoy your wondrous food.
But I've got to say, just because some of those customers happen come in after using certain recreational pharmaceuticals and other related items, doesn't mean you should make menu items that specifically cater to them and advertise that they're a significant chunk of your customer base.
Really, who thought that one through?
Love (through the good times and the bad),
Draft 4
Dear Steak 'n' Shake,
Please let me into your testing kitchen.
Because there is no excuse for things like this to make it out of there.