Monday, October 31, 2011

Stop #37: Fishers (#512)

Stop #37, just a couple days after Stop #36, was much closer than Terre Haute.

I met up with former roommie at the Steak 'n' Shake on Commercial Drive after she and I both got done with work one day.

It was also a great chance for our cars, Eva (pronounced EVE-ah, as in Wall-E) and Daisy St. Patience, to bond.

They've missed each other since we've stopped living together.

Molly and I, too, bonded a bit. It was the first chance I'd had to see her since my wedding. I finally returned the coffee grounds she had bought the week of my wedding and proceeded to leave inside Daisy. She told me about her upcoming trip to Europe.

And we ate. Oh, did we eat. Chicken fingers, fries, and onion rings for me, washed down with a Cherry Coke.

But for once, you don't get photos of my food. You get photos of Molly's food. Why?

Because Molly had the party foul of cheese-fries-and-Frisco-melts. :)

'Sokay, though, Molly still enjoyed it.

Not enjoyable, though?

I know a few posts ago I tried to scare you with a "Blair Witch Project" trailer, and last weekend I tried to scare myself with "Paranormal Activity 3" -- but this is by far the scariest thing I've seen this Halloween season.

Oh, Chilli Cheese Frito Steakburger, you've come to haunt my dreams, haven't you?

As frightening as it was, Molly and I both escaped the Steak 'n' Shake and survived, with no heart attacks and no reefer madness to speak of. And none to not speak of, either.

Stop #36: Terre Haute (#203)

Sometimes Husband's job makes him leave for a few days. Once he was gone a solid week, between a job in Memphis and a job in ... somewhere, Tennessee.

But in late September, he was gone just for the tail end of a week, and only in Vincennes.

So I arranged to have another Steak 'n' Shake stop where I could see him. After all, we were still quite newly wed, and I missed my hubby. I arranged for Husband's Cousin and Emily to join me, 'cause, well, long drives are more fun with others.

And so, Steak 'n' Shake Quest Stop #36 is brought to you by Husband's Job.

Unfortunately, Husband (and everyone else) wasn't craving Steak 'n' Shake for dinner. He was craving something else. And the Umi Grill Sushi Bar was also right there in Terre Haute, and was quite close to the Steak 'n' Shake.

Sushi: Not so much my thing.

Dessert at Steak 'n' Shake?

My kind of thing. :)

I, of course, went for my new favorite, the cookies 'n' cream shake with a chocolate cookie to top it off.

The fun thing about this trip, if you can't tell from the pictures, is that we sat at the bar. It's the first time I had a chance to do this during this quest.

Unfortunately, sitting at the bar is what made us capable of seeing this:

Meat patty, wherefore art though next to the Red Bull display,
and not on the grill, where thou shouldst be, grilling, that
I might hath a Frisco Melt in the near future?

Josh made me take a picture. Because that's probably against code, somewhere.

Gotta say, I enjoyed the bar seating, mostly -- but I also really enjoyed the Terre Haute Steak 'n' Shake's wall mural.

Emily posed, so I didn't look quite so creepy taking a picture of it.

And so the stop in Terre Haute was a quick one, with everyone else having enjoyed the sushi grill, and me having enjoyed my milkshake thoroughly.

Also, thus ends my quest post hiatus!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

An unintended hiatus

You may be wondering what has happened to the quest, given that I haven't posted any progress in more than a month.

The good news is, it is still on.
The bad news is, sometimes life impedes my progress. I didn't want to admit it, but turns out that if you get married, take a honeymoon, and move, all while trying to continue to balance three-credit hour classes, two jobs, and a partridge in a pear tree, sometimes your Steak 'n' Shake quest gets pushed to a back-burner.

This is especially true if the man you just married simply is not the SnS fan that you yourself are.

But rest assured, friends and fans, I am still working on it. I've made some stops that I need to get the posting caught up on. I'm behind schedule, but optimistic.

So, watch for those posts soon, and in the meantime, enjoy what YouTube turned up for me in the "Steak 'n' Shake" and "Halloween" theme.

Remember this fantastic horror movie from just over 10 years ago?

Yeah, that came out when I was in high school, which makes me feel old.

Anyway, before Heather was out ghost-hunting in the woods of Maryland, she was serving you food at the local Steak 'n' Shake restaurant!

Oh YouTube. Sometimes you're fantastic.